Hoy damos inicio a nuestro esperado Programa de Intercambio en Episcopal High School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Un grupo de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato tendrá la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia única, sumergiéndose en la cultura y el sistema educativo estadounidense. Este intercambio no solo les permitirá mejorar su inglés, sino también desarrollarse personal y académicamente, conociendo nuevas formas de aprendizaje y ampliando su visión del mundo.
¡Sigue su aventura día a día!
A partir de hoy, iremos actualizando esta noticia con el día a día de nuestros alumnos en su estancia. Podréis seguir sus actividades, logros y las experiencias más destacadas, además de ver todas las fotos en nuestra fototeca.
¡No os perdáis las novedades y acompañadnos en esta increíble experiencia!

Friday, 6th
We got to hang out with some of Sammy’s friends, then we went to Mexican dinner with Val and her host student, after we went to ride around on the golf course here on the golf cart! Today we went tailgating at LSU with the other students and went to the game. The game was so much fun and at the end we got to go very close like on the field seats.
By Jesús
Saturday, 7th
Today I woke up at 9:00 and had breakfast at my house. My host sister and I played with her dog for some time which is only 2 months old and is so small and cute. Then we did our make up and got dressed in purple and yellow colours because that was the theme for the LSU game. We went with our parents and had lunch there. After that, we started meeting our friends and entering the stadium. The game was so much fun!! We said goodbye to everyone and went home. There, we ordered Crumbl cookies which I was so exited to try. Finally, we went to sleep.By Sasha

Sunday, 8th
We woke up at 11 o’clock and we went to see Julian’s match at the fields, they won 5-2 and after that we went directly to Sammy’s house because Jesus’ birthday party was there. We played in the pool, Jesus opened his gifts and we stayed there chilling for a while. We drove the golf carts and then everybody went home. Finally, we had pizza for dinner and we went to sleep.By Sandro
Monday, 9th
Today we went on the swamp tour, we saw alligators and it was so much fun. We went to see the alligators on a boat and after that we went to get lunch.
Then, we got back to school and spent a little time at the student center and the we got the opportunity to go to one class. It was fun.
After that, I went with my host student to get coffee and we got home, she’s a little bit sick so we stayed home for her to rest and we got dinner at home.
We spent a little time together and then we went to sleep.By Valeria

Tuesday, 10th
Today we started the day with a Biology class. After that, we went to the chapel to pray. Once we finished praying, we grabbed a snack and then went to LSU’s stadium to tour its facilities. We also saw Mike the Tiger. Afterwards, we had lunch at Chick-fil-A and finished the day by visiting LSU store and then heading back to school.
By Joel
Wednesday, 11th
We got up at nine in the morning and Autumn and I prepared breakfast. We made yogurt with fruits and honey. Then we spent the rest of the morning watching Harry Potter since she really likes it and I had never seen it. Before eating, Autumn had to do her homework so I took the opportunity to call my family and friends in Spain. When she finished her homework we made lunch while we watched another movie. At the end of the day, when her parents came home from work, we ordered pizzas and ended up watching the third movie of the day before losing power. We were left without electricity at night but the next morning everything was solved.
By Laia

Thursday, 12th
I woke up and I walked the dogs. We had breakfast in a restaurant, then I did a Lego.
After that I took a shower and went to Marco’s house to a pool party until five o’clock and I got dinner at a Mexican restaurant.
By Pablo
Friday, 13th
When I woke up I got ready and I went to school. During the first class Pablo, Sandro and I went to Spanish class, then to the chapel. After the chapel , we all went to the library, then we ate and we went to another class. After school, I ate pizza at Pablo’s house. Then we got ready to go to the American football match with Pablo and Marco that was an hour away by car.
By Nicolás

Saturday, 14th
We woke up in Virginias house and drove to False River. We rode in the boat and went tubing. After that we went back to Laurel’s house and got ready for dinner. Then we went to Superior (a mexican restaurant) and ate with a lot of friends, the food was so nice I might come again. Finally we arrived home and we watched a film called Mary Poppins and we went to bed.
By Marta
Monday, 16th
Today I woke up at six thirty, I got ready and we went to school. From there we took the bus and we went to New Orleans, which is an hour away by bus. The first thing we did was try the beignets, which is a typical Louisiana pastry, then we went to the French Quarter and walked around for a while, after that we went to the Cathedral of Saint Louis and we saw the Mississippi river. Later we went to an outlet, we shopped for a while and we ate there. In the afternoon, we went home to rest for a while because then we went to top golf and we played from seven to nine.
By Covadonga